I got this from Ruth on the 25th of april, I thought I would post it.
Hello Meredith
I got your email address from the blog. I read your comments about Momee this morning and wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your reflections and memory walk. It is true that despite our loss, suddenly we fall right back into our daily routines. Maybe I am not thinking about Mother every minute but it is amazing how often, even in a State she only visited, that a memory of and about her will flash in my mind.
You know Momee came to Hawaii with Bev one year and took lots of pictures. She talked about what she and Bev did here almost every time we came home to TX during the summer. The beautiful beaches, Mahi-Mahi dinners and the "wonderful" way the people danced. Now, when I drive about the island and see the beach and eat Mahi in restaurants, I am reminded of her and the fun she had here.
I bet you do the same thing in TX. See or hear something and think of her. I know I will never look at a blue bonnet and not remember how much she loved these flowers. I remember when Daddy died someone told me that as I long as I remembered Daddy, he lived. I find that is true and will now apply this idea to Mother too.
I hope school is going well. It will not be long till summer. I guess the only way I will ever be free in the summer again it to retire. Having a year round job is not so much fun anymore. Ho-hum.
Uncle Charles comes home tomorrow from El Paso. You know he had to go there because his mother died 3 weeks after his dad. It has been hard month for the family.
I have a crew of 3 men putting together wall units for storage in our condo. I can live in two rooms if I have a place to put some things away. I think this will work. I am trying to create a nest that is/looks roomy when it is really small. Wish me luck!
Take care of you. Love,
Aunt Ruthe